Physiotherapy is a branch of medical science. Physiotherapists are medical professionals who are specialized in treating injuries and conditions to improve the day to day activities of an individual. A physiotherapist can help you to understand what happens to your joints and muscles when you have pain. Understanding your pain and injuries will help you to manage its effects.
What is a physiotherapist’s expertise?
Physiotherapists study the science of movement. They learn how to pinpoint an injury’s root causes. Physiotherapists focus on both injury prevention and rehabilitation. Treatment could be based on problems caused by injury, disease or disability. Here are some examples:
Neck and back pain caused by problems in the muscles and skeleton
Arthritis pain- Problems in the bones, joints, muscles and ligaments,
Lung problems such as asthma
Disability as a result of heart problems, stroke
Pelvic issues, such as bladder and bowel
problems related to childbirth
Loss of mobility because of trauma to the brain or spine, or due to diseases such as Parkinson’s disease and multiple sclerosis, cerebral palsy
Fatigue, pain, swelling, stiffness and loss of muscle strength, for example during cancer treatment, or palliative care
Your session will be unique, because it is all about you and your particular needs. In general, here’s what happens:
What can you expect from your physiotherapist ?
The physiotherapist will take your medical history
The physiotherapist will assesses and diagnoses your condition
The Physiotherapist will then observe as you do some basic movements in standing, sitting or lying.
They may also move your limbs to check flexibility or may palpate (feel) to get a sense of what is happening in the tissue.
Generally, the tests are pain free but some may cause mild discomfort.
Treatment plan
You receive a treatment plan that sets shorts term & long term goals for you
You are prescribed a course of exercises and any assistive devices needed
specific exercises that are to be done in the clinic during your visit
a home exercise program or specific strategies to manage and improve your symptoms between visits
the use of heat (eg. a hot pack) or cold (eg. ice)
the use of electrophysical agents (eg. TENS, NMES, IFC, Therapeutic Ultrasound, Low Level Laser, Traction)
Acupuncture or Functional Dry Needling
Manual Therapy (massage, soft tissue techniques, joint mobilization, spinal manipulation)
Follow-up appointments
