Food habits have played a major role in our Indian tradition. Do you remember your school days how systematic routine you had? But as you entered in to collage life and later professional life; everything goes irregular and ignoring this irregularity could lead to major diseases. Here we are listing some old Indian habits; if you can start implementing these in your daily life it could magically impact your health.
Morning breakfast
Sitting on floor while eating
Use of copper utensil for storing drinking water
Cooking in clay pots
Preparing fresh food each time
Eat seasonal food
Use of sendha namak – Epsom salt
Avoiding “Jootha” food
1. Morning breakfast
Breakfast is considered an important meal because it breaks the overnight fasting period, replenishes your supply of glucose and provides other essential nutrients to keep your energy levels up throughout the day. Studies show that eating a healthy morning meal helps prevent further weight gain. Avoid overindulging in high-calorie foods throughout the day. Breakfast also provides you with essential nutrients that can be stored into energy so you can feel productive for the rest of the day.
2- Sitting on floor while eating
In an age when there were no dining tables, everyone sat on floor while having food and very few suffered from lifestyle diseases that have become so rampant in our times. Sitting on the floor, with crossed legs is a yoga posture called Sukhasana, it helps in improving our digestion process, boost circulation, and increases flexibility of lower body. Padmasana and Sukhasana are ideal positions for meditation and benefit a lot in relieving stress from the mind, hence eating in this posture helps you in having a relax mind during meal.
3- Use of copper utensil for storing drinking water
As we all know water is the most essential element to sustain life on this planet. 70 per cent of human body is made up of water. In our Indian culture our ancestor used to store water in copper utensil. Recent studies have proven that because of Oligodynamic nature of copper, Storing water in a copper vessel creates a natural purification process. It can kill all the microorganisms, molds, fungi, algae and bacteria, present in the water that could be harmful to the body and make the water perfectly fit for drinking. Other benefits of copper are
It helps in digestion
Helps in wound healing faster
Strong anti-oxidant
Protects from infection
Anti-inflammatory properties
Good for blood
Anti- cancer
4- Cooking in clay pots
Our ancestors were using clay pots to cook their food because they did not know about plastic, steel and aluminium. But that was not the only reason for it. Clay pots are made of clay, which is alkaline in nature. This property enables it to interact with the acids in the food while cooking, thus balancing its pH. Cooking in clay pots adds calcium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, sulphur and several other minerals to food. Slow cooking process helps in retaining all the food nutrient.
5- Preparing fresh food each time
Remember those days when ready to eat food was not available, people were healthy and fit and there were few diseases known to mankind. So having a freshly cooked meal is the secret of healthy life style.
6- Eat seasonal food
Another secret of healthy living is having seasonal food. Always chose food according to season. Lets understand this with an example- jaggery, ghee are warm in nature and are best to consumed in winters. On the other hand curd is of cooling nature.
7- Use of Sendha namak / Rock salt / Epsom salt
Sendha namak is highly valued in Ayurveda. Sendha namak contains trace levels of several other minerals, including iron, zinc, nickel, cobalt, manganese, and copper essential for body physiology. Sal t and muscle imbalance is very well maintained by sendha namak rather than table salt. Good for sore thorat when used during gargle.
8- Avoiding Jootha food
This point will be very well understood in current scenario ( Covid-19 ). Why jhoota food is not good for your health, and was taboo in ancient Indian. Because sharing drinks from same glass, taking bites from same food helps in spreading of infection via saliva. Before giving this point a religious connotation it should actually be looked upon as a practice of hygiene and a wise way to prevent spreading of diseases.
*Remember cancer do not develop in alkaline atmosphere. Anti-oxidant property of copper and cooking in clay pots helps in maintain alkaline nature of food and helps in fighting cancer.